Dog Soap & Dish
Dog Soap & Dish
100% Coconut Oil Dog Soap with Lavender, Lemongrass & Rosemary essential oils. This 100g bar fits perfectly on the turquoise & charcoal handmade soap dish.
A beautiful turquoise & charcoal marbled concrete soap dish with 100g of dog soap.
Award winning handmade coconut oil soap. Made using the Hot Process Method which gives a more rustic looking soap & it does not need to cure as long as Cold Process Soap but otherwise is exactly the same.
Coconut oil gives a high foaming & highly cleansing soap. Perfect for those stinky paws, mucky muzzles and patches of fox poo all dogs seem to love. Also fantastic for greasy coats.
This coconut oil soap contains nothing but coconut oil, lye, water, poppy seeds for added 'grip', gorgeous calendula petals, just because they look gorgeous and pure essential oils which are blended to give a burst of summer scent. This particular blend has been likened to lemon sherbet on more than one occasion.
We only use a small amount of essential oils, approximately half that recommended for humans which is the recommended level for dogs. ESSENTIAL OILS MUST NOT BE USED ON CATS.